Desks! Love them or hate them, let’s start with a truth that might hit a bit hard: you probably spend more time at your desk than you do in your living room at home. With that out of the way, the good news is that they’re a lot easier to declutter and tidy than a living room is. How, you ask?
1. Get Rid of Wires
There are zero reasons for having a single wire in view on your desk in 2017. They get in the way, they‘re a pain to unplug for mobility, and no matter how hard you try they’ll inevitably get tangled. Get set up with a snazzy wireless mouse and keyboard (like this one), and if you’ve got a laptop then get a docking station — they not only hide all of the wires away, but they charge your device at the same time. What’s not to love?
2. Go Paperless
It’s famously said that behind every successful office worker, there’s a gigantic stack of paperwork. Oh wait, no it isn’t. So stop adding to the piles by going digital right now. Once you’ve made the switch you’ll never have to file paperwork ever again — you also get to help the planet live for a little bit longer, so it’s good news all round.
3. Utilise Microsoft File Explorer
Okay, so this isn’t strictly desk related, but if you start to keep everything digitally then make sure you’re getting the most out of Microsoft’s Windows 10 File Explorer. Use shortcuts, pin folders to quick access, and to preserve your sanity don’t just save everything to desktop. That way lies madness.
3. Utilise Microsoft File Explorer
Okay, so this isn’t strictly desk related, but if you start to keep everything digitally then make sure you’re getting the most out of Microsoft’s Windows 10 File Explorer. Use shortcuts, pin folders to quick access, and to preserve your sanity don’t just save everything to desktop. That way lies madness.
Simple really: a smaller device means a clearer desk. With a 12” display and a 1920x1280 resolution, HP’s Elite x2 brings a smaller form factor that’s still crystal clear. If you want to go further still, the Elite x3 takes the place of both phone and workstation, thanks to the trusty dock.

5. Create Hidden Storage
This doesn’t have to be anything crazy like a safe behind a painting, but needless to say you should never underestimate the little ways that you can make use of the space you have. Get something like a HP Integrated Work Center set up so you can hook a small form factor machine behind a monitor. For laptop users, something as simple as a laptop stand with a built-in draw are great for keeping things hidden but handy.
6. Tidy Up
It doesn’t matter how many solutions there are to declutter your desk because only you can choose to deal with the issue, so try and put a few minutes aside at the end of each day to make sure your desk is clear.
If any of the points above have hit home to you then they’re likely to resound with your customers too, so make sure you ask them about desk decluttering solutions, before getting in touch with Westcoast for any quotes.
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